Monday, November 30, 2009

Getting Cozy

It seems that in the last few days, the winter has finally made it to Mallorca. Considering the fact that I went swimming in the Mediterranean just last weekend, I’ve had no reason to complain about the weather. Meanwhile, Portlanders (the official term used for people from the city of Portland) have been enjoying rain and low temperatures since September. Well, to welcome the cold and the holiday season, I’ve been playing Christmas music and…knitting! I’m hoping for a white Christmas like the one we had in Oregon last year, and in preparation for the winter weather I’ve taken out my knitting needles and yarn. To keep me warm for this season I’m making a magenta scarf and dark-brown leg-warmers!

My grandmother, Kitty Jo, taught me to knit when I was 10 years old and I’ve been doing it ever since. She’s an extremely special woman and a verrrrrrry experienced knitter. She’s even had much of her work published in knitting magazines! Lucky for me, I’ve got her as my own personal teacher. She helps me fix any mistakes that I make which, unfortunately, are made more often than not. Every time we are together we easily pass hours chatting and practicing the beautiful craft that she taught me. There’s no doubt that when we see each other in a few short weeks, we’ll be knitting away by the fireplace—-getting cozy in the winter wear we make!


  1. Hi Molly :)
    I'm Alicia from 4ESOB
    I think your blog is very interesting.The picture is very beautiful and funny.
    When I see my grandmother at Christmas also spend a lot of time talking with her

    See you on Wednesday

  2. Hello Molly !
    I'm Simona,your student from 4 eso B
    I read your entry in the blog about the knitting needles and yarn!
    I love the winter,and when I was small my grandmother taught me to knitting,too!

    P.S : I like your blog and the colours .

    See u next week =)

  3. Hello, Molly.
    I'm (ANGEL), your student of 1E.
    I like your blog because is full of information to learn more!

    My grandmother can knite to. But I can't knite.
    your blog is full of information, but I don't understand all of the words like: easily, craft and cozi. The photo I think that is good that you learn to knite like your grand mother.

    See you next friday!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hi Molly, ImCarlos of 1esoE.
    The firs photo there are yarms of diferents colours:green, yellow, purple, magenta and more.
    In the second photo your gandmother Kitty is make a clothes, think what is simpatic and nice.
    Before my grandmothr did this thinks but now no.
    Idon't understant some word, but the rest is easy.See you on friday.

  5. Hey Molly!
    I'm Tati (Tatiana) from first eso e and you grandmother surname is funny: Yo.
    Yo like hello in slang.
    Your blog is incredible and... You too!
    See you on friday and don't punch you with the nedles, ok?

  6. ¡Hello Molly!
    I am Alejandro of first. I think that your blog is very interesting. I Create that you are very good sewing.

  7. Hello Molly!
    i'm Philline of 1esoE, i think your blog is interesting and i like very much the colors! but i not understand some words.

    Nice blog Molly see you next friday!!

  8. Hi Molly, I'm Miguel Ángel from 1 ESO E.
    This post is interesting. The most interesting is you grandma kintting. Who did she knit?

  9. Hello Molly, I am Andrea, your student from 1 Eso E. I like very much your blog. My grandmother, knite too. To me, my grandmother taught me sometimes, but since I do not pay attention, do not learn. I think you in the future you will be very good seamstress, like your grandmother.
    I like very much the photos.

    See you on friday.

  10. Hi, Molly!

    When I was also 10 I took a class the whole year where they were supposed to teach me knitting and sewing (“Punto de cruz” in Spanish, petit point, etc), I even learned how to make carpets…And now, 20 odd years later I don’t remember anything! I can hardly attach a button to its right place in a shirt and that only if I really have to!!

    It’s weird what the mind remembers and what it doesn’t.

    See you soon.

  11. Hello Molly! I am Sara from 1esoE. I like very much your blog. You do very work from do this blog. My mother and my grandmother can knit. I don't know but when I be more big, I learn to knit. I think is easy becouse in the class you did a demostration. Bye.

  12. Hello Molly, I'm Judit from 1 eso E. I like your blog very much, it is very interesting. My grandmother knits too. You knit very well and I think that one day will knit like your grandmother.
    See you on Friday.

  13. Hello Molly! I'm Jilin from 1 eso E. Your blog is very nice and this post is very interesting, but I don't understand some words.
    My grandmother can knite too, but I can't knite because is very difficult for me.

    See you next friday!!

  14. Hello Molly!!
    I'm PepTOni from 1 ESO E.
    Your blog is very very interesting.
    My grandmather also sew.
