Monday, October 26, 2009


Halloween isn’t even my favorite holiday, but seeing as it’s the official day this Saturday, I couldn’t help but talk more about it—-but don’t worry, this will be my last pumpkin post, alright?

Choosing your pumpkin at the pumpkin patch is only half the process of the Halloween pumpkin fun. (Try saying that five times fast!) Once home, they empty the guts, or insides, of the pumpkin so that they can then carve the pumpkin with an expressive face or design. I remember that when I was a child, I always carved happy faces on my pumpkins. My brother always preferred scary faces. What face would you put on your pumpkin?
Hopefully it would be a little happier than the pumpkin in the photo above. Traditionally a candle is placed inside the pumpkin after it is carved to illuminate the expression. While children dressed as witches, ghosts, wizards, and in all other sorts of costumes go from house to house saying “Trick or Treat,” they see the carved and illuminated pumpkins at the doorsteps of the houses.

I hope you all celebrate this special holiday. Dress up in costume! Carve a pumpkin! Eat sweets! Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


  1. We have tried saying “Choosing your pumpkin at the pumpkin patch is only half the process of the Halloween pumpkin fun” and now we have a knot in the tongue!! What is the spell to undo it?

    The pumpkin throwing up reminds us of the Calvin and Hobbes Comic books. Do you know them?


  2. Hi, Molly
    Great picture and great post! 1st year ESO students have just discovered what to be sick means. You are really helping them build up their vocabulary. Have you decided on your Halloween costume?
    See you tomorrow

  3. Hi Molly,

    I'm Emilia from 2ESOE.I like very mutch your blog,I thik is funny and interesting.The pictures are very beautiful.Did you do the pumping is it in the photo¿? Can you bring at the blog a funny pumping¿?Well is it a loverly blog.

    See you on friday.

  4. Thanks Molly, 2ESOE students visited your blog on Tuesday. Some of them even became your followers. I hope they will tell you something about it on Friday.
    By the way, a happy pumpking for me and a nice pumpking pie too
